

Attendance at Classes This Fall Is a Record--847 Men Are Taking Voluntary Exercise at Hemenway Gymnasium--All Gymnasiums Over-Crowded

Exclusive of first year men who are taking boxing as part of their regular physical training work, 120 men have reported to Coach Conley for instruction so far this fall. This far exceeds any attendance record that has been set during the two seasons that pugilistic training has been offered. This increased registration is accounted for by the fact that the Daylight Saving Law was repealed earlier this year than formerly with the result that more students are using the indoor athletic facilities.

At the Hemenway Gymnasium 847 men, not including those doing compulsory work, have already, rented lockers for the year. This exceeds by 152 the number taken last year which at that time was considered a record. Meeting on the main gymnasium floor, the five o'clock gym class already boasts an attendance of 75 students, a figure which was not reached last year until the middle of the winter.

Must Sign for Handball Courts

Owing to the large demand for handball courts it has been necessary to institute a regular signing up system while a large track squad still further crowds the available space.

The same overcrowded condition exists in the Randolph Squash Courts, where the signing up system had to be instituted two weeks earlier than last year, while first year men are being given a chance to take their exercise in the morning whenever possible.
