The 1921-1922 Pi Eta Show will be given at the close of the Christmas Recess, according to an, announcement made yesterday by J. A. Nickerson '22, general manager of the production. This change from the custom of former years, when the play was given in the spring, was decided upon in order that rehearsals and performances may conflict as little as possible with examination periods and other College engagements. Five public performances have been arranged for, as follows: at Jordan Hall, Boston, December 31: at Players' Hall, West Newton, January 2; at Providence, R.I., January 4; and the PL Eta Theatre, Cambridge, January 6 and 7. The usual Graduates' Night performance will be given immediately before the Christmas Recess.
The scene of this year's show the name of which is "Don't Mind If I Do", is in Geneva, Switzerland; and time, last summer shortly after the departure of the University, Glee. Club. The book is by H.K. Behn '22 and G.G. Benedict '23; the music is by L. A. Harlow '23, A.A. Fiske Jr. '22, M. H. Dill '20, and H. E. Scott Jr. '22.
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