
1925 Soccer Men Defeat Tabor 1-0

Playing the last part of the second half in semi-darkness, the Freshman soccer team defeated Tabor Academy at Marion yesterday afternoon. A goal by Irwin Rosen where there was but five minutes left to play, gave the Yearlings the 1-0 victory. At 2 o'clock this afternoon on Soldiers Fields, they will face the M.I.T. Freshmen.

The Freshmen managed to keep the ball well within the Tabor half of the field, although the fast, but light schoolboys, maneuvered within shooting distance several times. A corner kick, within five minutes of the end of the contest, gave the Freshmen their opportunity. The kick by L. J. Barnes was directed at the mans of players collected in front of the Tabor goal, and Irwin Rosen, 1925 outside right, headed the ball past the Academy guard.
