

The Satisfaction of Sophistication

The reelection of Mayor Hylan in New York fulfills the expected. Why New York prefers to be governed unintelligently and extravagantly, why it consents to be made by its chief magistrate ridiculous before the rest of the country, why it submits with regularity to the manipulation of such an organization as Tammany Hall, which with open cynicism turns municipal government to its material advantage, those of us who use New York merely as a place to go to get some money or to get into some devilment are naturally incapable of understanding.

Perhaps it may be accounted for by New York's profound satisfaction in its sophistication. It feels it knows all the things anybody could know that nobody really ought to know: that virtues, civic or otherwise, are the badge of the hay-stacks: that it is big enough and powerful enough and well heeled enough and enough of a wise guy to go to the devil more times than anybody else and still survive to take pride in the achievement. The slick ness and unctuousness of Mayor Hylan, one may presume, appeal to New York as so cordially representative of its own shrewdness and unmorality as to make their exaltation through him a fitting rebuke to more common sense and the weakness for decency.

The Circulo Eapanol of the University will give its first dinner of the year tonight at 6 o'clock at the Cranford Club to welcome the new   Worcester Telegram.members
