

Coach Conley to Begin Instruction in Hemenway Tomorrow--Boxing to Satisfy 1925 Compulsory Athletics

Beginning tomorrow the winter instruction in boxing will start in the Hemenway Gymnasium. Classes will be held at 1.45, 2.45, 3.45, and 4.45 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. Mr. Lawrence Conley who has had charge of the boxing for the past two years will again be in charge. This instruction is open to any one in the University and is entirely without charge both instruction and gloves being supplied by the Department of Physical Training.

Upper classmen wishing to join any one of these classes should sign up in the blue books which have been placed at Hemenway Gymnasium, the Squash Courts, and at the Big Tree Swimming Pool, or they may register at Mr. Geer's office. Freshmen may elect boxing as their regular physical training exercise but must sign up for the classes at the office in Wadsworth House.
