PRINCETON, N. J., October 31.--With Lourie directing the team for the first time in many weeks, the Princeton first team showed increased drive in the practice at the Palmer Stadium this afternoon. There were no injuries in the Virginia game and the entire team was able to report.
The early part of the afternoon was spent in developing the defense especially against the passing attack of Harvard. This was followed by a long signal drill. Light scrimmages will be in order for tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday but no heavy work will be attempted.
The team lined up as follows today: l.e., Snively; l.t., Keck; l.g., Liscomb; c., Wittmer; r.g., Morgan; r.t., Hooper; r.e., Stinson; q.b., Lourie; l.h.b., Gilroy; r.h.b., Garrity; f.b., Cleaves. The line-up on Saturday will probably remain the same.
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