

Race High School Team on Belmont Course at 4 o'Clock Today

This afternoon at four o'clock the Freshman harriers will meet the strongest high school cross-country team in Greater Boston, when it is scheduled to race the Arlington High School team over the regular Freshman three-mile course at Belmont. The yearlings will enter their whole squad, numbering twenty-one men, with numbers, while Arlington will enter thirty numbered men.

Dr. W. J. McCarthy, who last year coached both Freshman and University cross-country, is now in charge of the Arlington harriers, and is expected to bring a very powerful combination of runners to Belmont today. In the only meet they have entered so far, Arlington hopelessly swamped St. John's High School. Among their brilliant runners are Collins, Downing, Dallin, Eaton, and Schwamb, while for the yearlings G. E. Kent, H. K. Thayer, and L. J. Daubin are expected to star.
