

Pictures of Glee Club Also to Be on View Soon

Two exhibitions are planned for Widener Library within the next month. The first of these will be arranged in connection with the six hundredth anniversary of the death of Dante, and will be ready by October 17th, when Professor C. H. Grandgent '83, professor of Romance Languages in the University will give an address in Sanders Theatre. The collection will be composed of early editions of the works of the great fourteenth-century poet, together with manuscripts and other relics of his day.

The second exhibition is to be a display of photographs, posters, programs, and newspaper articles concerning the European trip of the University Glee Club this summer. Effort will be made to place the collection on view as soon as possible after the opening of the Dante exhibition.

The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association will hold a dinner and business meeting next Monday evening at 7 o'clock at the Harvard Club of Boston. President Eliot Wadsworth '98 will preside.
