

Turn in Low Score of 18 in Inter-dormitory Cross-Country Run--H. K. Thayer First Man to Finish--1925 and University Schedule Given

Smith Halls easily won the annual interdormitory cross-country meet yesterday with the unusually low score of 18 points. Standish, its nearest rival, scored 55, with Gore Hall third with 67. H. K. Thayer of Smith was the first to finish, with his team-mate L. J. Daubin close on his heels. G. E. Kent of Standish, who led the field for the greater part of the way, finished third, followed by three Smith men. The first man from Gore to come in was in seventh place. Smith as usual had the greatest number of men competing, --ten out of a total of twenty-four. Gore and Standish entered eight and six men respectively.

The University candidates held their first time trials on Wednesday, and the race was extremely close, W. J. Burke '23 finally leading R. A. Lutz '23 by one-fifth of a second. Caption F. G. Bemis '22 placed third, followed by J. V. Harris '24.

The University and 1925 schedules have been announced and are as follows:


October 21, M. I. T. at Belmont.


October 29, Princeton at Belmont.

November 5, Cornell at Belmont.

November 12, Yale at New Haven

November 21, Intercollegiates at Van Courtlandt Park, New York.


October 21, M. I. T. 1925 at Belmont.

October 27, Wakefield High School at Cambridge.

November 4 or 5, Arlington High School or Worcester Academy at Cambridge.

November 12, Yale 1925 at New Haven.

November 21, Freshman Intercollegiates at New York.
