Cash collections in the Philips Brooks House drive for funds amounted to $1,765.51 last evening , when the sixty Sophomores and Juniors who have been covering the dormitories met in the Breakfast Room at Randolph Hall to turn the money collected during the day over to B. deL. Nash '23, Manager of the drive.
This evening the men will again meet in the Breakfast Room of Randolph Hall at 7 o'clock and the final results of the drive will be announced. Pledges together with the $285 pledged by 8 men at the beginning of the drive probably will swell the present total to more than three thousand dollars.
F. S. Hill '24 who turned in the largest sum Wednesday night also headed the list last evening. Men who have not had a chance to give money to dormitory solicitors are requested by Nash to leave their contributions at the office in Phillips Brooks House. It has been impossible to send collectors to rooming house in the outlying districts of Cambridge.
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