

Football Squad Sent Through Gruelling Drill--Instruction in Fundamentals Followed by Dummy Scrimmage--No Definite Line-Ups Decided Upon Yet

With only two more days of practice before the game with Worcester on Saturday, Coach Campbell again sent the Freshman football squad through a stiff gruelling drill. A long session of tackling the dummy was first in order. The linesmen were then given intensive instruction in line charging and in breaking through while backs and ends were divided into squads for a long practice in punting, going down under kicks and taking out ends. This was followed by stiff signal practice in which the various forward pass formation the yearlings will use were especially emphasized.

Coach Campbell finally lined up two teams and sent them through dummy scrimmage. The quarterbacks only called for line plunges and an occasional end run. Frequent substitutions were made in both teams, which as yet are entirely ungraded. It is not until just before the game that the line-up for Saturday's contest will be announced.
