


Five touchdowns, two field goals, and one safety, scored by the University against the seconds, and five definite shifts in the first Crimson eleven, were the outstanding features in yesterday's football practice in the a Stadium. Coach Fisher sent Captain Kane and Tierney to tackle positions on Team A, Fitts and Lockwood to try their skill at end on one of the lower Combinations, and Chapin to halfback on Team B. This is the most radical change which has been made in the University line-up this fall and comes as a direct result of the Crimson coaching staff's dissatisfaction with the showing made by their men against Holy Cross Saturday.

C. C. Macomber '22 will take kane's position at left end, while Standish Bradford '24 will be assigned to do the snapback work. Both of these men played a fine game during the short time that they were in Saturday's contest, making themselves especially conspicuous on the defensive. Macomber at one time threw a Purple rusher for an eight-yard loss, while Bradford was responsible for halting one of Simendinger's sensational runs.

Gehrks and Jenkins in Backfield

While Lockwood and Fitts are becoming acclimated to their new positions they will not play with Team A and will not start against Indians next Saturday. It is a question whether they will be eventually used as the first-string wings. At left halfback in place of the latter Coach Fisher has decided to use ErwinGehrke '24, star Freshman back of last fall and rated next to Fitts as the best punter on the Crimson squad Percy Jenkins'24 has won for the present Chapin's berth as right halfback on Team A. In the Holy Cross game Jenkins substituted for Fitts and made several ground-gaining runs, one of nearly 20 yards. He is also a good drop-kicker. It was Jenkins who last year in the yearling game with Princeton 1924 tied the score with a field goal with less than a minute to play.

With the latest shifts taken into consideration Team A will line-up with Crocker and Macomber at end, Kane and Tierney at tackle, Brown and Grew at guard,. Bradford at center, Buell at quarterback, Jenkins and Gehrke at halfback, and Owen at fullback. Henry, who played left tackle against Holy Cross, will line up with Team B.


The first University touchdown in yesterday's scrimmage was scored by Francis Rouillard '23, who took Gehrke's place temporarily yesterday afternoon, the latter not quite being in condition to go through a hard practice. Jenkins accounted for the second tally by a 40-yard run from the middle of the field, dashing through after his interference had cleared the way.

W. F. Churchill '23 made the next two touchdowns by clever and fast open field running, and aided materially in the fifth by hurling and accurate pass to A. J. Conlon '22, who ran seven yards further for the score. K. S. Ptaffman, '24, kicked both the field goals from the scrubs '30 yard line.

Band to Play Saturday

Fifty members of the University Band will play at the Stadium during the game between the University and Indians on Saturday. This will be the first appearance of the band, which will attend all the remaining contests of the season. Since among the activities planned for this year is the organization of a drum corps, there will be continuous music during the marches to and from Soldiers Field.
