Though there are various interests that are continualy calling for our time, the number of organizations that call for our money are relatively few at Harvard. For this reason when an appeal is addressed to our purses, it may be considered to be of importance. The annual drive of the Phillips Brooks for funds is correctly placed among these few appeals for our contributions. From the old men the collectors should have to make no great effort to obtain a contribution, but possibly some of the new men may be ignorant of what the Phillips Brooks House stands for.
It is the center for ten of the religious societies of the University. To the thirty or more Community Houses in the neighborhood of Boston, it sends annually over four hundred men. At the beginning of each year it sees that all the men in the Freshman class are called upon by upper classmen. As an organized Information Bureau in the fall it answers practically all the questions of the new men besides helping several hundred men find rooms. Finally, throughout the year, it is attending to the religious and philanthropic work of the University.
The fact that some of us may not use its facilities is no reason for not supporting it. As members of the University we have obligations to our fellows and to the community. Most of these obligations are taken care of for us by the Phillips Brooks House. It can do this only if it has our financial backing.
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