

E. D. Hamilton '23 Makes Scrubs' Only Score in 6-0 Game With Freshmen--1925 Punter Features in Contest--Captain Theopold Still Out

Recovering a blocked punt on his opponents' twenty-yard line, and dashing across the goal for a touchdown, E. D. Hamilton '23 of Coach Knox's Second Team scored the only points of a close and exciting contest between his team and Coach Campbell's Yearling eleven yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field.

The winning tally came early in the first period and only twice during the remaining quarters did either team have even a chance to score. Late in the second period, blocking a punt on the black-jerseys' five-yard line, and again recovering the ball, the Cubs had opportunity snatched from their hands when their goalward march was halted on the one-yard line by the end of the half.

In the fourth period the Seconds, getting the ball in midfield carried it, to the fifteen-yard line before the stiffening Yearling defence took the ball on downs.

The outstanding feature of the Freshmen's playing was the long and accurate punting of J. W. Hammond, every interchange of kicks resulting in a substantial gain for Coach Campbell's outfit. M. D. Greenough, E. F. McGillen, and J. P. Hubbard proved the bulwarks of the 1925 line, while F. W. LaFarge and P. W. Chase proved efficient wingmen.

Several long gains for the Seconds were made by the end runs by John Fulbright '24, who also shared in the completion of several forwards.


Frequent substitutions were made by both coaches; nearly every man in both squads entering the contest at some stage.

Captain Theopold of the Freshmen is still out with an injury but will probably be ready to scrimmage late in the week.
