This evening at eight o'clock members of the Union will have an opportunity to hear at first hand of the experiences of the Glee Club on its European tour last summer, when Dr. A. T. Davison '06 will give an illustrated address in the Living Room of the Union. The meeting will be in the form of a reception to those members of the Club who made the trip and who are now in Cambridge. At 6.30 o'clock the Governing Board of the Union will give a dinner in their honor in the Trophy Room.
During the course of Dr. Davison's talk, fifty slides taken at various stopping places on the trip will be shown, as will a moving picture reel taken on the way down the Rhine from Mainz to Coblenz, a voyage made possible by the courtesy of General Allen, commander of American Forces in Germany, in whose boat the trip was made. The slides will show various places in France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany, all of which the club visited during its trip.
After Dr. Davison's talk the Glee Club will sing four songs which were among those most enthusiastically received abroad. In addition to Union members, invited quests whose financial backing made the tour possible will be present.
The four selections chosen for tonight are as follows:
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