With the total number of volunteers for railroad service in case of a strike at six hundred and twenty-five, the emergency committee has for the present closed its doors to students in the University, since there are now as many men enlisted as will be wanted in the instruction courses to be given this week.
The first meeting for all men who have signed up will be held this afternoon at 5.30 in Mifflin Hall, underneath Brattle Hall in Brattle square. This will be the initial meeting of the series which starts today, and will give general instruction to the men in the fundamentals of the duties which they may be called upon to perform. The committee requests that only men who are sincere in their intentions of helping as strike-breakers report. All men who do report must be equipped with notebooks and pencils. The regular one hour classes of instruction in the various kinds of work which must be learned before the strike is called will probably begin tomorrow. They will be held by special arrangement with the railroads and will include lessons in firing an engine and in acting as conductors and brakemen.
No announcement in regard to the division of men into classes has been made yet. At a later date there will be subdivisions of men according to the kinds of work required of them, and various shifts will be organized composed of friends or groups who would like to work together. All the work required of students of the University will be on trains, and will not include any work in freight yards.
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Hanford MacNider to Command Legion