

To be Addressed by Professors Lamb and Norris this Evening

The first meeting of the Harvard-Technology Chemical Club will be held at eight o'clock this evening at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 28 Newbury street, Boston. All men in either institution, concentrating in chemistry, are invited to attend. Professor A. B. Lamb '03 of the Chemistry Department will speak on "The Differential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen" while Professor J. F. Norris of Technology will deliver an address on "Recent Work in Organic Chemistry."

The Harvard-Technology Chemical Club was founded in 1897 by members of the chemistry departments and has continued until the present time as a rather informal organization. At the first meeting of the year, officers for the coming season are elected, consisting of a president and two secretaries, one for the Institute and one for the University. Meetings are held monthly and membership in the club is open to all students of chemistry.
