The Gore Hall football team defeated Smith 2-0 yesterday afternoon of Soldiers Field, and tomorrow at four o'clock will play the Standish team for the interdormitory championship. The score was made early in the second half by A. D. Hoffman, Gore right and, who kicked a field goal from the twenty-yard line. Gore had almost exclusive possession of the ball during the first half, due chiefly to the ability of L. M. Gibb, quarterback, to pick holes in the Smith line. The Freshman line-ups were:
Gore Hall.--Left and, R. G. Clark; left tackle, P. D. Trafford; left guard, R. D. Parker; center, L. Thompson; right guard, J. Griffin; right tackle, Joseph Lord; right end, A. D. Hoffman, quarterback, L. M. Gibb; left halfback, P. C. Mabon; right halfback, Charles Satterles; fullback, J. C. Hill.
Smith.--Left end, H. F. Sears; left tackle, R. K. Hamien; left guard, M. L. Brown, center R. W. Seamens; right guard, A. N. Holden; right tackle, L. H. Wood; right end, J. P. Frost; quarterback, J. S. Dwight, left halfback, Captain E. W. Stevens; right halfback, R. L. Hapgood; fullback, C. H. Davis.
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