

Student Council Desires That Question of Princeton Conference Should Be Discussed in Detail

At 8 o'clock this evening in the Living Room of the Union will be held, under the auspices of the Student Council, an open mass meeting for the discussion of the question of limitation of armaments. Professor W. B. Munro '99, of the Department of Government, will act as chairman.

The purpose of the meeting is to give undergraduates an opportunity for expressing their views on armaments, and on the message that the delegates at the Princeton Conference should send to Washington. It is the wish of the Student Council that the speeches this evening deal with the latter question more than with the general aspect of disarmament, in order that the delegates, Melville P. Baker '22 and William Whitman 3d '22, who have been appointed to represent the University at Princeton may be the better able to judge of the sentiment of the undergraduate body.

The forum will begin with a short talk by Melville P. Baker '22 describing the Princeton Conference and outlining its plans. After this, speeches from the floor will be in order. There will be no speakers from the platform, but, in order that discussion may be facilitated, a few undergraduates have been asked to prepare short addresses. These will, however, take but a small portion of the time, and the Council hopes that many of those attending will participate in the discussion.
