

Music is as essential at a football game as peanuts at the circus. Last week the Band--in spite of sundry bombardments of the bass horn--did its share of the entertaining with credit. The cheering, too, left little to be desired; but where was the singing? When the Band played the college songs, there were a few feeble voices audible in the audience; but without leadership no real singing could be expected. It is too much to ask that the cheer-leaders, hoarse with their megaphonic efforts, should lead the singing also. A regular leader should be on hand; and as there is no official way of choosing one, volunteering might be in order. There are plenty of men in the University with good voices and an understanding of music--witness the Glee Club's triumphal march through Europe. False modesty is a vice--let some lusty chorister make himself known to the bandmaster before today's game. The cheering section will do its part if given the opportunity.
