

The "Ladies Home Journal" the Incentive for Humorous and Suggestive Travesty--Recalls Transcript Number

The Lampoon has in its latest issue taken a very unfair advantage of the poor reader. It has burlesqued "The Ladies Home Journal".

The average reader, unless he be of the poor-but-honest, born-in-a-log-cabin variety knows as little about the contents of "The Ladies' Home Journals" as the average barber shop customer does of the interior of the "Police Gazette". So the magazine should be instructive as well as highly amusing. For the editors have somehow managed to infuse more humor into the staid appearing contents than is usual in the ordinary burlesque of this type. Though there are bits obviously designed to cause the Inhabitants of Radcliffe to stealthily hide a blush, there are also sketches reminiscent of the Transcript number at its best.

The cover of a safety pin rampant upon a recumbent child on a field of azure is quite suggestive of the honest homilies well hidden in its contents.
