
Reductio ad Absurdum


(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON;

The disappointing result of the 1923 class elections gives us the opportunity to ask a few questions gives us the opportunity to ask a few questions in regard to the manner in which the nominations are made. We have questioned many of the members of our class, and now feel that we are merely reiterating the opinions and suggestions which we have heard.

First of all, it appears that a vast number of our classmates are ignorant as to how the candidates are nominated: whether it is on account of their athletic prowness, their scholastic achievements, or their popularity.

Do you not believe it a good idea to run in your columns an article answering these queries? We have the interest of the class at heart, and trust you will give this suggestion due consideration.


One further remark which may appear too caustic, but which, unfortunately, many of us have heard too often. This morning, after reading the Crimson's columns condemning our class indifference we asked several men why they had not voted. Here was their common reply:

"Do you think I am going to vote for a man who refuses to speak to me?"

Evidently the "snob" issue has not yet died down. MARCIAL F. LICHANO '23   JOSEPH EDWARD JAFFEE '23   ELISHA TARPLIN '23
