

Two Undergraduates to Present Opposite Sides of Question--Hope to Get Resolution of Undergraduate Feeling

As a preliminary to sending delegates to the Princeton Undergraduate Conference next Wednesday the Student Council will hold an open mass meeting on Monday at 8 o'clock in the Living Room of the Union to discuss the question of limitation of armaments. Professor W. B. Munro '99, of the Department of Government, will be in the chair.

The purpose of the forum is to give students an opportunity to express their views on the question and make it possible for the delegates who are to represent the University at Princeton to determine in some measure the sentiment of the undergraduates.

Although the meeting will be informal in character the Council plans to arrange with two undergraduates to present short arguments in favor of and against the conference at Washington at the first of the meeting. After that the discussion will be open to the floor. Finally, at the close of the discussion, an endeavor will be made to pass some resolution which the delegates can convey to Princeton as an expression of the opinion of the University.

A meeting similar to the one planned for Monday night was held at Yale on Wednesday and proved an unqualified success. Not only was there a large attendance but the debate was spirited throughout.

It is hoped that the purpose of the Princeton Conference--an expression of undergraduate opinion on the question of the limitation of armaments--will be furthered by Monday's forum in the Union. If a sufficient number of men attend the meeting student interest in the subject, the Council feels, will be stimulated and other meetings will follow as a matter of course.


The two delegates whom the Council has appointed to represent the University at Princeton are Melville Pratt Baker '22 of Wellesley Hills, President of the Crimson, and William Whitman 3d '22 of Boston, President of the Advocate.
