

To Pick Three-Man Teams for Each Class for Contest on Nov. 8

Trials for the Interclass Debates will be held Thursday. October 27, at 7 o'clock in Harvard Hall, and the subject chosen for debate is "Resolved; that the United States should not spend for replacing or increasing her armament more than was spent on these items in 1920-21." A team of three men will be chosen from each class by judges, who will hear speeches the candidates prepare on this subject. The debate probably will be held November 8, at which time the Freshman team will debate the Sophomores and the Junior team will debate the Seniors. Teams winning these two contests will meet in debate before the newly organized Freshman Debating Society, about the middle of December.

B. H. Kuhus '22, President of the University Debating Council, will meet representatives of the Yale and Princeton Councils in New York October 28, where plans for the triangular debate, scheduled for March 19, will be discussed.
