

Season Commences Friday at Symphony Hall--Joint Concerts With Princeton and Yale Musical Clubs--Spring Trip a Feature

The University Glee Club, which starts its season with a joint concert with Mary Garden in Symphony Hall Friday night has announced its plans for the season. Nine regularly scheduled concerts are included as well as a trip during the April recess.

The Glee Club management will be unable to take any more orders for tickets for Friday's concert, as all of the seats are already sold. The program has not been announced as yet, but Miss Garden will sing two groups of songs and two arias, while the Glee Club will render its usual selections. The next appearance of the club will then be the joint concerts with the University Instrumental Clubs, and the Princeton and Yale Musical Clubs, respectively, with the first at Princeton on the evening of November 4, and with the latter at Sanders Theatre on November 18. Between thirty and forty-five members of the Glee Club will take part in each of these concerts.

On Sunday afternoon, November 27, thirty-five members of the Club will sing with the Pierian Sodality Orchestra in the Copley Theatre, and on December 2 the club will travel to Fitchburg to give one of a series of concerts planned by the Smith College Club of Fitchburg.

Three concerts have been scheduled for Symphony Hall, for December 13, February 16 and April 12. About one hundred members of the club, led by Dr. A. T. Davison '06, will participate. Soloists are to be announced for these in the near future.

The club will appear at Phillips Andover Academy on January 6, and on Sunday afternoon, April 2, at the Harvard Club of Boston. A trip to Smith College for a concert there has been planned, but no date has been set.


The club will again take a trip during the spring recess, giving concerts in New York, Washington, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and possibly at Vassar College. The trip will last until the end of the spring recess.
