


Some twenty-five American Field Service Fellowships for French universities will be awarded to American students for 1922-23, according to an official notice received at the University from Dr. I. L. Kandel of New York, Secretary of the organization which has charge of the scholarships. Each fellowship will be of the value of $200 plus 10,000 francs, and will be tenable for one year, renewable for a second year upon application, provided the circumstances warrant it. According to the rules, undergraduates are not eligible for these fellowships, but large numbers of graduate students undoubtedly are eligible.

These fellowships were established in order to provide an enduring memorial for the 127 men of the American Field Service who gave their lives in the war, and in order to perpetuate among future generations in France and America the mutual understanding and fraternity of spirit which marked their relations during the war. The organization awards fellowships for advanced study in France to students selected from American colleges, universities, and technical establishments. Ambassador Jusserand is honorary president and Ambassador Herrick honorary chairman of the organization, the active president being Dr. Paul D. Cravath of New York.

Wide Range of Subjects

For 1922-23 these fellowships are offered for study in the universities and faculties and other institutions of higher learning in Paris or in any one of sixteen provincial universities. The announcement states that the candidate may designate his choice but that the advisory board strongly recommends the desirability of a period of residence in a provincial university.

The fellowships in general are offered in the following fields of study: Agriculture, Anthropology, Archaeology and History of Art, Architecture, Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Classical Languages and Literature, Criminology, Economics, Education, Engineering, English Language and Literature, Geography, Geology, History, Law, Mathematics, Medicine and Surgery, Oriental Languages and Literature, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and International Law, Psychology, Religion, Romance Languages and Literature, Semitic Languages and Literature, Slavic Languages and Literature, Sociology and Zoology. The candidate may choose the field of study he prefers, but in general the fellowships will be granted only for the pursuit of advanced study in a field in which the candidate has already shown proficiency.


Candidates Requirements

To be eligible a candidate must be a citizen of the United States or one of its possessions, must at the time of applying be a graduate of a college of recognized standing, or of a professional school requiring three years of study for a degree, or if not qualified in either of these ways, must be twenty-four years of age and must have spent five years in work requiring technical skill. In addition he must have a practical ability to use French books, both in general subjects and in other special fields.

Men who wish to be candidates for these scholarships must furnish to the Executive Secretary of the American Field Service Fellowships for French Universities, Dr. I. L. Kandel, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City, not later than January 1, 1922, the following:

(a) Certificate of birth or an equivalent statement from some trustworthy person.

(b) Certificate of naturalization, if needed.

(c) Statement of college work, with grades in the courses pursued and the degrees awarded, signed by a responsible official of the institution attended.

(d) Statement from a professor of the university or college attended by the candidate, showing his fitness to pursue advanced work in a French university, in the field of study for which the candidate is an applicant.

(f) In the case of a candidate not qualified by a degree, a certificate or evidence of five years' technical work, and of its nature.

(g) Statement of purpose in going to France.

(h) A photograph of postcard size taken within a year of application, and signed by the applicant.

(i) In addition to the above, an applicant may send, in a separate package, copies of any printed or written articles, theses, or books, of which he is the author.
