

Coach Conley Will Again Have Charge of Instruction--Will Satisfy 1925 Compulsory Athletic Requirements

It has been announced by the Physical Training Department that indoor boxing classes which will satisfy the requirements of Freshman compulsory exercise are to be opened soon. Classes, lasting one hour each, will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1.45, 2.45, and 3.45 o'clock; while a fourth class, starting at 4.45 will last only three-quarters of an hour. Coach Lawrence Conley, who has been boxing instructor for the past two years, will again be in charge.

Instruction in boxing will begin probably on November 2, when the first drill in foot-work, position, guards, and punches will commence, and will end in the spring, when the weather permits men to row on the river, and to play tennis on the courts at Soldiers Field. Classes in boxing have been limited to 35 per hour, and Freshman now engaged in seasonal sports such as tennis, crew, and lacrosse, who intend to drop them and take up boxing this winter are requested to accommodate their afternoon classes to the boxing schedules announced above.
