A decided upset occurred in the singles of the University Fall Tennis Tournament yesterday when R. N. Bradley '21 defeated H. R. Guild 3L. Though Bradley was a member of last year's team, Guild who won the last tournament was conceded the better chance in this match. Bradley, however, playing a fast and brilliant game, won in straight sets, by the score of 6-2, 6-2. In both the singles and the doubles the semi-final matches will be played today. At two o'clock R. N. Bradley '21 will play Morris Duane '23. Duane is captain of this year's team, and so far has been playing a consistently strong game, but Bradley in his present from should extend him to the utmost.
W. W. Ingraham '25, interscholastic champion, will play E. T. Herndon 1G. B., a member of last year's Princeton team, in the other semi-final match.
At two o'clock, also, Parke Cummings '24 and J. D. Du Bois '24 will be matched against H. M. Stevens '25 and F. M. Bundy 1G. B. While at three o'clock the semi-final round will see the winner of this match pitted against Morris Duane '23 and W. W. Ingraham '25, and D. P. Robinson and E. T. Herndon 1G. B. matched with H. R. Guild 3L, and Bucaham Dell 2G. B., the latter of whom won the doubles championship last year with J. B. Fenno '21.
The results of yesterday's singles matches are as follows:
Sixth Round.-R. N. Bradley '21 defeated H. R. Guild 3L., 6-2, 6-2; E. T. Herndon 1G. B. defeated J. M. Kleberg '22, 8-6, 6-2.
In the doubles play N. M. Stevens '25 and F. M. Bundy 1G. B. defeated L. D. Hill '21 and A. Briggs '25, 5-7, 7-5, 6-3.
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