

Standish and Smith Elevens to Clash at Four o'Clock--1925 Regulars Face Stiff Week of Practice--To Scrimmage University Today

The third in the series of interdormitory Freshman football games will be played this afternoon at four o'clock when the Smith Hall team will meet the Standish eleven on the interdormitory field. Although there are some good men who have reported, the coach of the Standish team is considerably handicapped by a lack of candidates from whom to choose. The line-up of this team has not been definitely decided. The Smith Hall eleven as it will start the game this afternoon is as follows: Center, Robert Seaman: guards, W. C. Holden and R. K. Hamlin; tackles, L. E. Wood and H. F. Sears: ends, J. P. Frost and C. L. Pearson; quarterback, J. K. Collins; halfbacks, S. L. Stevens and C. F. Mason: fullback, Charles Davis.

The first Freshman eleven will face the hardest work-out of the week when they scrimmage Coach Fisher's team in the Stadium oday. By heavy work-outs this week Coach Campbell hopes to whip the team into shape for Saturday's contest with Exeter. Against Andover on Saturday the yearlings showed that early season faults had not yet been eliminated. Slowness of the ends in going down under punts and the failure of the line to develop a strong offensive charge were the most notiesble faults. The work of the Freshman coaches for the next two days will be devoted to the elimination of these defects and especially to develop coordination between the line and backs.
