

The news column this morning bears the encouraging tidings that there is a possibility that the Junior and Sophomore classes may complete their election in two days--possibly the recalcitrant hundred or so still necessary to make up the sixty per cent will need a week's nagging--at any rate we may be sure that sometime before the end of the month the two classes will have decided which men, excluding those who have been already honored, they wish to be regarded as the "big men" in the class. In the meantime the college will be enjoying its peculiar form of election enjoyment--perhaps to add to the interest the CRIMSON might erect a clock to mark the success of the campaign, per cent by percent.

But as diverting as this all may be it is a little to much to ask each year of the ex-class-secretaries,--to say nothing of the counters; if amusement for the college is the only purpose. There may be some other purpose in all this--but to discover it one would have to discover the purpose of a Junior or Sophomore class officer. No one as yet has offered an answer to this perplexing question.

Last year it was suggested that class officers, excepting in the first and last years, be abolished. The suggestion met with unqualified approval. But quick action not being in vogue here nothing was done about it.

But we still have hope--so we suggest that at the next Sophomore or Junior smoker, if there are 175 men present, it be voted that hereafter there shall be only a secretary-treasurer in each class to be appointed by the student Council. If the present Sophomore and Junior classes can effect this change in the constitution it will save certain future students a vast amount of worry. Or, if they prefer, the classes can vote to hold an election for the most popular man in the class--that will accomplish the purpose of the present arrangement and may attract more attention.
