

First Freshman Boat to Race University Crews in Regatta--Other Men Divided by Dormitories

After a week's work on sliding seats and after trials of various different combinations, Dr. R. H. Howe Jr. '01, Freshman crew coach, has finally decided on the definite order for the first two yearling eights during the Fall Rowing Season.

The first eight will race against the University boats in the Fall Regatta, which will be held early in November. The second crew, although it will not have quite as extensive work as the first eight, will probably have several brushes with either the first Freshman boat or some of the class crews. Those men who are not on the first two 1925 crews have been divided into dormitory crews which will row in the Fall Regatta.

The seating of the first two boats is as follows:

First Crew.--Bow, A. L. Smith; 2, L. D. Draper; 3, H. W. Stevens; 4, B. R. Wiesman; 5, H. M. Watts; 6, H. G. Curran; 7, G. B. Hall; stroke, Seabury Cook; coxswain, F. H. Blum.

Second Crew.--Bow, J. A. Crooks; 2, Bennett Lucas; 3, J. A. Abbot; 4, W. C. Beal; 5, F. J. Gindorff; 6, Samuel Reber; 7. W. P. Dixon; stroke, S. G. French; coxswain, J. P. Whittal.
