A number of new and interesting exhibits have been placed on view in the Treasure Room of the Widener Library. One of these is a recent letter received by the Liberal Club from the "Sozialistische Studentenbund" of Berlin welcoming the possibilities of a renewal of close relations with American students and looking forward to the time when both the American and German peoples will be united under a World International. A free translation accompanies the letter.
A centennial medal of the University of Virginia, date 1921, with the head of Jefferson on the reverse is also shown. Besides this, is a copy of the medallion which commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters.
The most striking exhibit is, perhaps, Pistrueel's Large Waterloo Medal. This is the gift of Sir Robert Horne, Chancellor of the Exchequer through Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, M. P. It is over five inches in diameter and covered with the most exquisite detail. This is of such minute detail that only gutta-percha impressions have been taken from the original mold.
There are also seven medals by Mr. Francis D. Millet '69, who lost his life on the Titanic. Five American wars and campaigns are represented by these. A bust of Mr. Millet may be found in the foyer outside the Reading Room.
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