

Walks Through Gore for Touchdown in Both Halves--Gore to Meet Standish Wednesday--First Team Opposes Andover Tomorrow

Yesterday afternoon Smith defeated Gore 14-0 in the first game of the Freshman Interdormitory series. The winning team forced over a touchdown in each half, the first by means of several successful forward passes, the second by a drive down the field using nothing but line plunges and end runs.

This game is the first of the series that is to be played throughout the fall among the dormitory teams composing the second Freshman football squad. On Wednesday Gore will meet Standish and thereafter it is planned to play two games a week.

Practice for the first 1925 squad consisted of the usual preliminary work followed by a stiff scrimmage between the first and second teams in preparation for the game with Andover tomorrow. Neither side was able to score but the work showed that the team is developing drive and coordination that will serve well on Saturday.

Several injuries are delaying the development of the squad. Codman, first string center, is out with a bad ankle and probably will be unable to start Saturday. Bassett, a substitute tackle, who was injured in last Saturday's game, has been found to have a broken ankle and will probably be out for the rest of the season.
