Two hundred thousand dollars to be used in studying the origin and cure of cancer has been bequeathed to the University under the terms of the will of Mr. H. F. Mills '89, filed this week in the Plymouth Probate Court. The fund, to be named after his wife, will be known as the Elizabeth Worcester Mills Fund.
The terms under which it is to be Administered by the President and Fellows of the University are set forth in the will as follows: "I give, devise, and bequeath into the President and Fellows of Harvard College, in memory of my beloved wife, Elizabeth Worcester Mills, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars to be known as the "Elizabeth Worcester Mills Fund", the income from such fund to be devoted to the investigation of the origin and cure of cancer. In the event that thereafter the opinion of the President and Fellows of said College such investigation shall have been satisfactorily concluded. I authorize the President and Fellows of said College to devote such income to such other medical investigation or research as in their judgment will most largely benefit the physical wellbeing of mankind."
To Go to Cancer Commission
The sum given the University is two-fifths of the aggregate bequests in the evil. Although no action has yet been taken by University officials, it is presumed that the money will go to the University Cancer Commission, founded in the for the investigation of the cause and the treatment of cancer. This commission carries on work in the laboratories of the Medical School, and at the Collies P. Huntington Memorial Hospital. The present chairman of the Cancer Commission is Dr. R. B. Greenough '92, who is also Surgeon in Charge of the Huntington Hospital.
Probably the largest part of this bequest will be spent in research work, in which the Cancer Commission has been particularly successful. Last year the discover by Professor William Duane '93 to be use of newly-found varities of X-rays in the treatment of cancer was considered one the most important steps her made in the history of the investigation of cancer.
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