
In Which We Retract

On Wednesday, September 28, there was published in this column an editorial entitled "Food for Thought". We commented on a recent report by the State Commission, quoted in the New York papers of September 27, to the effect that armchair lunch-rooms were making gross profits of over 200 per cent. It was a supposedly humorous editorial, intended to "enliven the column."

The humor of it has recently become to us at least, more apparent. There was one sentence in which we mentioned a double O at Jimmie's and a "combination supper" at the Georgian, and we have been advised that that sentence cast reflections on the two restaurants mentioned.

Wherefore we retract or rather has ten to explain that our editorial was not in the nature of an expose of local restaurants, and that we had no intention of accusing any of them or profiteering. It hardly occurred to us that in commenting on a newspaper clipping merely as a means of lightly entertaining our readers a poor means we will admit--we would be taken seriously.
