According to plans announced yesterday by the track team management, the fall track season will close on October 27, when the annual Fall Handicap Meet will be held on the Soldiers Field track. The meet this year will include, in addition to the usual events, the discus throw and the javelin throw, the new events which have been added to the Intercollegiate schedule.
About a hundred and twenty-five men are now reporting daily to Coaches Bingham and Farrell for practice, several new runners having joined the squad since practice started on Tuesday. Ten of these are practising for the discus and javelin throw under the direction of Mr. J. Mikkola. Although these men are all inexperienced, Mr. Mikkola is satisfied with the progress which has been made so far. More candidates, especially Freshmen, are needed, however, if the University is to be well represented in these two events next spring. All who intend to try for them should report immediately, in order that as much practice as possible may be obtained this fall.
Since Coach Bingham went to Exeter with the second football team yesterday, Coach Farrell was in sole charge of both the track and field event men. The work for all the men is still rather light, chief attention being paid to the form of the runners.
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