


A second call for Freshman track manager candidates has been issued by the track management which has announced that the competition will not start officially until today when all new candidates are to report at the H. A. A. at 1.30 or at the Locker Building at 2.30. It was necessary to issue this call for managerial candidates as so few men had reported previously that it would have been difficult for them to carry out the necessary arrangements for the various meets which are being scheduled for the winter season. The competition will last approximately two months, ending about the time of the Winter Handicap Meet which will be held in March. The successful candidates will take charge of the 1924 track team during the spring season and the manager will be awarded his numerals. During the midyear period, the work will be light and will not interfere with the examinations.

New men are reporting for track practice daily and the squad now numbers 140. There is still an imperative need, however, for field event candidates. Next week the squad will be divided into sections grouped by events and definite times for the men to report each day will be posted. The long and short distance relay teams will receive special intensive training under the supervision of Coach Donovan in preparation for the B. A. A. Games on February 5.
