The competition for the Bowdoin Prizes for 1920-1921 is now open to all resident students of the University who do not hold an academic degree or have not had an equivalent training, and also for other candidates for the degree of A.B. or S.B. in the University, for dissertations in English. In this competition there is a first prize of $250 and two second prizes, either or both of which may be divided at the discretion of the Committee, between two competitors, of $100 each. The essays offered in competition for these prizes may be on any subject approved by Mr. R. K. Hack, the Chairman of the Committee on Bowdoin Prizes, as a proper subject for treatment in literary form. Theses that form part of the regular work in an elective course may be offered in competition, with the consent of the instructor of the course, or, subject to such consent, may be rewritten for the prize competition.
For all other resident students, three $200 prizes are offered for essays of high literary merit belonging to one of the following special groups: first, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering; second, Biology, Geology, Anthropology and Forestry; and third, Foreign Languages and Literature, ancient and modern. Competitors are at liberty to select the subjects of their essays, but the subjects must be approved in advance by the Committee on Bowdoin Prizes. No essay offered by a graduate may contain more than fifteen thousand words, it being understood that parts of doctoral dissertations are eligible.
Awards for Greek and Latin Essays
Several prizes are also offered for dissertations in Greek and Latin to resident students who do not hold an academic degree, have not had an equivalent training, or who are candidates for the degree of A.B. or S.B. in the University. Two prizes of $50 each are offered for translations into Attic Greek and Latin of prescribed passages in C. H. Moore's "Religious Thought of the Greeks," and Macaulay's "Critical and Historical Essays," respectively. A prize of $100 is offered to all other resident students for an original essay in either Greek or Latin of not less than three thousand words on any subject chosen by the competitor, written by a holder of an academic degree who has been in residence for one full year within the period 1919-1921.
Attention is also called to the fact that all committees on prizes must report not only the essays for which prizes are awarded, but also those essays which seem to be worthy of distribution; and all essays reported shall be considered in the award of scholarships and the granting of degrees with distinction.
Essays and translations must be handed in to the Secretary of the Committee on Bowdoin Prizes, 20 University Hall, not later than April 1, 1921, and must conform to the requirements and general rules printed in the University descriptive catalogue for 1920-21.
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