

Plan Usual Entertainment--Dance to be Held Late in February

A Junior smoker will be held in the living Room of the Union Tuesday evening, January 11, at 8 o'clock. L. B. McCagg, president of the class, will speak. Arrangements are being made to secure and show a well-known motion picture production. Cigarettes, cigars, and the usual refreshments will be served. An orchestra will probably be engaged to play.

As this is the first gathering of the class of 1922 this year, the class officers expect that most of the members will be present. Announcements concerning the Junior dance may be ready for announcement at the smoker.

According to the plans for the dance which the class officers are considering now, it will be held late in February, probably in the Living Room of the Union, as has been the custom in past years. Members of the Dance Committee will be chosen soon and complete details concerning applications for tickets and other particulars will be announced.
