

Models Submitted in Competition Have Been Carefully Judged by Four Specialists

Next Thursday and Friday, January 6 and 7, a public exhibition of the model stage settings submitted in the "47 Workshop's" first scenery designing competition, which closed shortly before the vacation, will be held in Lower Massachusetts Hall from 4.30 to 6 o'clock in the afternoons and from 7.30 to 10 o'clock in the evenings. The decisions of the beard of judges will be announced at the opening of the exhibition and posted in the hall thereafter. The settings were privately exhibited during the entre-acts of the last Workshop productions, but this will be the only chance for the public to see them.

Four judges have already viewed the settings: Mr. T. P. Robinson, of the Workshop, from the artistic and architeetural point of view; Mr. Morton Mower of the Fine Arts Department, from the artistic; Mr. Howard Forbes, of the Workshop, from the lighting, and Professor George Pierce Baker '87, of the English Department, from the producer's viewpoint. A representative from the Architectural School, to be appointed, will also judge them from the architectural side.

"Ten candidates have designed models for the competition, while five others have submitted drawings. All candidates had the privilege of consulting Mr. Henry Hunt Clark, of the Boston Fine Arts Museum School, at any time concerning their sets. The play for which the sets are designed is a Christmas mystery by Adair Archer '17, formerly of the Workshop, entitled "The Mystery of the King's Birth." When produced at the Little Theatre in Richmond, Virginia, last year at this time, it achieved great success.
