


Final examinations will be held today and tomorrow in the following courses. All examinations begin at 9.15 A. M. except those at 2 P. M. According to the regulations, any student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations.

The examinations held in the Engineering School today and tomorrow are included in the following list. Today Anthropology 1: Anthony to Huttig (incl.),  Emerson A Jackson to Waterman (incl.),  Emerson F Chemistry 2: Badger to Drew (incl.),  Sever B Dunn to Johnson, C. L. (incl.),  Sever 29 Johnson, G. H., to Rouillard (incl.),  Sever 30 Ruggles to Smith, G. H. (incl.),  Sever 31 Smith, G. van S., to Wyman (incl.),  Sever 32 Economics 5a,  Robinson Hall Economics 41,  Sever 8 Education 1,  Sever 8 Engineering 211,  Pierce 304 Engineering 310,  Pierce 304 Engineering 240,  Pierce 304 Metallurgy 4,  Rotch Lecture Room English 1,  Emerson J Fine Arts 1f,  Robinson Fine Arts 2c,  Fogg Mus. Geology 16,  Sever 18 German 1a, I: Bohn to Field (incl.),  Sever 18 Giles to Yang (incl.),  Sever 23 Government 19,  Sever 17 History 1: Mr. Albion's sects. AA, X, Y, Z,  New Lect. Hall Mr. Artz's sect. L,  Sever A Mr. Artz's sect. M,  Sever 13 Mr. Artz's sect. N,  Sever 14 Mr. Artz's sect. O,  Sever 19 Mr. Bean's sect. H,  Sever 1 Mr. Bean's sect. I,  Sever 5 Mr. Bean's sect. J,  Sever 6 Mr. Bean's sect. K,  Sever 2 Mr. Packard's sects. A, B,  New Lect. Hall Mr. Schaeffer's sects. C, D, E,  Harvard 5 Mr. Schaeffer's sects. F, G,  Harvard 6 Mr. Smith's sects, P, Q, R, S,  Zool. Lect. Rm. Mr. Whitaker's sects, T, U,  Sever 35 Mr. Whitaker's sects. V, W,  Sever 36 History 4,  Sever 23 History 18,  Harvard 2 History 45,  Sever 35 History of Religions 4b,  Div. Lib. Latin 7 hf,  Sever 5 Mathematics 2, I: Allen to Elder (incl.),  Sever 20 Elliott to Young (incl.),  Sever 24 Mathematics 26,  Sever 20 Meteorology 2,  Geol. Mus. 43 Music 2,  Sever 17 Philosophy 5,  Emerson D Physics 8a,  Sever 6 2 P. M. Social Ethics A: Abernethy to McVey (incl.),  Emerson D Magruder to Wormser (incl.),  Emerson J Zoology 8,  Zool. Lect. Rm. Tomorrow Chemistry 18,  Pierce 304 Economics 3: Adam to Douglas (incl.),  Harvard 2 Driscoll to Moore (incl.),  Harvard 5 Morse o Zeo (incl.),  Harvard 6 Engineering 121,  Pierce 304 Engineering 410,  Pierce 304 Fine Arts 10b,  Robinson French 3: Section 1,  Sever 5 Sections 3 and 4,  Sever 6 Section 2,  Sever 11 French 16,  Sever 18 German 18,  Sever 23 Government 9,  Sever 23 History 59,  Sever 24 Italian 5,  Sever 24 Latin A,  Sever 18 Semitic 11,  Sever 24 Slavic 6a,  Sever 24
