The Centre College basketball five is planning its season with the game against the University in view, much as did their football team last fall. According to reports which have come up from Danville, the praying Colonels will be capable of giving Coach Wachter's men an exciting close to their schedule.
The Kentuckians have won all four of their games so far with ease. They seem to specialize mostly on defense, for but seven field goals have been scored against them the whole season.
"Be" McMillin of football fame plays on the team, and he is declared to be just as skillful in basketball as he is on the gridiron. James Roberts, centre of the football team, plays center also for the five, but he has not played in the last two games on account of scholastic troubles.
Centre College was Southern Intercollegiate basketball champion in 1919, and last season lost only the deciding contest for the season's honors.
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