Nominations for officers of the Phillips Brooks House Association for 1921-22 have been announced by the nominating committee as follows:
Richard Chute '22, of Boston.
Richmond Keith Kane '22, of Marion.
John Crocker '22, of Fitchburg.
Richard Robertson Higgins '22, of Winchester.
Vinton Chapin '23, of Boston.
Joseph Sill Clark Jr. '23, of Chestnut Hill, Pa.
John Gardiner Flint '23, of Boston.
Bradley DeLamater Nash '23, of Brookline.
Sheridan Logan '23, of St. Joseph, Mo.
Robert Holbrook Hopkins '22, of Newtonville.
Henry Hazen Reed '23, of New York City.
All members of the University are eligible to vote at the election, which will be held at the Phillips Brooks House on February 23d. The new officers, with the exception of the treasurer, will assume office after the April recess. The treasurer will take up his duties on June 1st, the beginning of the new fiscal year.
Additional nominations for all of the above offices may be made by petitions signed by twenty men. All such petitions must be in the hands of the secretary, Mitchell Gratwick '22, at the Phillips Brooks House not later than February 16th.
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