
Six Weeks Only for Summer School

The University Summer School will hold a single six weeks' session this year, opening on Tuesday, July 5, and closing on Saturday, August 13, according to the preliminary announcement of its newly-appointed director, John Tucker Murray '99.

Expecting a large registration for the courses of the school, which will number nearly 100 and will cover 28 subjects, the authorities have arranged to reserve all three of the Freshman Halls for Summer School students. Two years ago only two of the Freshman Halls, Gore and Standish, were thus occupied, the women students being assigned rooms in Gore and the men in Standish. Last year part of the Smith Halls were also occupied but not all. This year all three of these large dormitories on the bank of the Charles River will be available for Summer School students and will offer rooms and board at moderate rates.

The Summer School courses have been very popular during the recent years among school and college teachers, college students who wish to make up credits toward their college degrees, and others who desire a six weeks' period of intensive training in one or two subjects.
