Overcoming isolation, and putting in its place publicity is what the Dartmouth Outing Club is accomplishing by conducting its annual Winter Sport Carnival. This winter, on February 10-12, will be held the tenth of the series and what promises to be the most unique and well-attended of them all. Snow-shoeing, skating, skiing, trail-making and cabin-building, things that are making Hanover and Dartmouth famous all over the country, are events on the program.
One innovation this year will be a number of events in which guests can take part. At present all the accommodations in the town have been reserved for the avalanche of guests which is expected. Also several outside colleges will have delegations on hand to compete in the winter sports. Middlebury, McGill, Vermont and Williams have already accepted. Regular sport games will be staged to fill out the schedule; the swimming team will be matched against Harvard on Friday evening, and a basketball game with the Crimson five will be the last sport event of the holidays. Saturday afternoon there will be a hockey game with Yale.
Dancing in the Evening
Dancing will fill in during the evening when darkness stops the snow-sports. Thursday evening after the production of the feature of local dramatics. "Risb Please!", there will be interfraternity dances until well into the morning. Friday evening the Carnival ball will take place, the leading social function, at which between four and five hundred couples are expected. On Saturday evening, fraternity dances at the houses will close the official program.
The various outdoor, snow-and-ice contests and exhibitions are the main features of the carnival. The novel entertainment of an outdoor evening will begin with a march to the athletic field Thursday. Torches and Roman candles will show the way. The rink on the field will be lighted with spotlights and general skating permitted. Among the events on Friday will be a ski dash and a novice ski race, a snowshoe cross-country race, intercollegiate ski relay race, and ski cross-country and obstacle races. Saturday afternoon will be filled with ski-jumping, a somersaults exhibition, and other exercises of ski proficiency.
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