On the afternoon of February 2 the "Americans All" squad from the Recruit Educational Center at Camp Dix will give a military, educational, and recreational demonstration at the Union, under the auspices of the Union, the R. O. T. C., and the Shannon Post of the American Legion.
This will be the second time the squad has been to Boston. In the early part of January it gave several demonstrations at various clubs in the city, and aroused so much enthusiasm that it is making a return visit.
Could Not Speak English
Whether the personnel of the squad on this visit will be the same as it was before is not yet known. The original squad contained one American, born in Rhode Island and brought up in Massachusetts, who could neither read nor write when he joined the Army, and eight foreigners, most of whom could not even speak English. There was a Swede, a Finn, a Frenchman; a Serbian, a Czecho Slovakian, a Mexican, a Pole, and a Russian. These men are graduates of the Army School at Camp Dix, one of six Army Schools which take the illiterate and non-English speaking recruits and by means of a thorough course in English and citizenship, coupled with instruction in the fundamental duties of a soldier, turns them out intelligent, patriotic and disciplined Americans.
The program for the afternoon will comprise a short drill, after which each man will tell, in English, his experience since he landed in this country, before and since he joined the Army. While their English may be halting, even pathetically humorous, the story which these men tell of the benefits they have received from the Army and their devotion to their new country is one that every citizen should hear.
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