

Prep School Swimming Team Over whelms Freshmen--Zinn Wins Plunge

The 1924 swimmers lost to Andover by the score of 43 to 10. The Freshmen captured first in the plunge, and lost the relay only in the last few yards. Their time in the relay was less than that of the University team in its meet with Amherst.

The summary:

Relay--Won by Andover (Wingate, Hapgood, Draper, Clark): Harvard '24 (Cummings, Delafield, Harris, Potter). Time--1m. 51s.

Fifty Yards--Won by Hapgood, Andover: second, Draper, Andover: third, Potter, Harvard. Time.--27s.

Two Hundred Yards--Won by Clark, Andover: second, Grover, Andover: third, Cummings, Harvard. Time 2m. 34s.


Dive--Won by Ferguson, Andover; second, Hayes, Andover; third, Terrazns, Harvard.

Plunge--Won by Zinn, Harvard, 57 1-2 fe.; second, Stern, Andover, 57ft.; third, Carpenter, Harvard, 52ft.

One Hundred Yards--Won by Draper, Andover; second, MacGregor, Andover; third, Potter, Harvard. Time 1m. 4s.

Score Andover 43, 1924 10.
