

One of the most constructive features of the American Legion and the one most of interest to Harvard men is the Americanization work which is to be demonstrated at the Union next week. This movement, which was started at Camp Upton in May, 1919, which has spread rapidly over the country in the shape of Recruit Educational Centers and Vocational Guidance Bureaus is making the Army, primarily a destructive force, a most valuable asset in time of peace. It is not only producing better and more useful citizens out of our most un American class, but is carrying on the spirit of mutual aid and solidarity that characterized the Army in time of war. Harvard men have been giving excellent service in Massachusetts, but there is still a need for volunteers in this most valuable work. Any man who feels capable and desirous of giving time to Americanizing our aliens will be rendering the most effective aid in clearing up the misunderstandings that inevitably arise from ignorance.
