A baseball game with the Japanese nine from the Waseda University of Tokio is planned by the baseball management for May 25 or 26. This oriental team is intending a trip throughout the United States in the course of which they hope to arrive in Boston about May 25. Besides the game with the University they hope to arrange one with Boston College on the 27th, before they leave for New York on the 29th.
This trip has been arranged with the aid of the heads of Chicago University, whose guests the orientals will be from May 10 till May 21. The tentative itinerary has been arranged as follows.
To Be Gone Four Months
They will leave Yokohama on March 18 and sail for Honolulu, arriving there on the 28th. They will stay there for almost a month, sailing on the 25th of April, and reaching San Francisco early in May. From the 10th to the 21st of May they will be the guests of the University of Chicago and then they will start on their eastern trip May 22nd, staying in Boston from the 25th to the 29th and in New York from May 30th till June 4th. Their next stopping points are, Washington on June 5th, Chicago on the 9th, and finally Seattle on the 30th. Then they will go back to Japan.
Harvard has been holding May 25th, the date of the Japanese team's arrival in Boston, open for the University of the Philippines but their trip has been abandoned, no that the date, which comes between the two Princeton games is free. Consequently Harvard has replied to also Abe, the baseball manager at Waseda, arranging for a game on that date, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee.
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