Announcement has been made of the following two prizes:
Charles Eliot Norton Fellowship in Greek Studies, for the year 1921-1922. This price was established by Mr. James Loeb '88, of New York City, as an expression of regard and respect for Professor Norton, and in recognition of Professor Norton's eminent services to Classical Archaeology. The competition is open to undergraduates and graduation of the University and Radcliffe College. The annual income amounts to nine hundred and fifty dollars.
The award will be made by a committee appointed by the department of Classics on the basis of either a thesis on a subject approved by the committee, or such other evidence of scholarship as may be accessible. In special circumstances the committee may, at its discretion, dispense with the requirement of the thesis. No account will be taken in the award of the financial means of the competitors; and there will be no award in case the theses offered are not of sufficient merit. The incumbent of the fellowship must agree to pursue studies during the year of his incumbency at the American School of Classical studies at Athens.
Several subjects for the theses have been prepared by the committee but candidates do not necessarily have to confine themselves to these and may write on any other classical subjects with the consent of the committee.
The Editors of Harvard Studies in Classical Philology are to have the right to publish the thesis of the successful candidate. Theses must be presented not later than February 15, 1921.
The committee consists of Charles Burton Gulick '90, Herbert Weir Smyth '78 and George H. Chase '96.
The other prize is the Francis Boott Prize, to be awarded to the writer of the best composition in concerted or vocal music. The competition is open to undergraduates and members of any of the graduate schools of the University. The amount of the prize is one hundred dollars, and is the income of a fund established by Francis Boott '31, of Cambridge.
The compositions must be for four or more voices, preferably of contrapuntal character, without solos, and may be either with or without accompaniment, and either sacred or secular in style; if the former, the type represented by Mozart and Cherubim is desired.
The prize will be awarded only in case a composition is submitted which in the opinion of the judges is worthy of it. The title page of each manuscript must be signed with a motto or an assumed name, the same also to be written on the envelope of a sealed letter in which is enclosed the real name of the competitor. Manuscripts must be in the hands of the committee by March 1.
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